Thursday, September 3, 2009

Scooters, 'cott and more...

Once again I have neglected the blog, but never fear...I might neglect but never forget. Recently I reconnected with a long lost friend of mine, Scott. He came to WA to visit us and Beckett made a new pal! Beckett is talking a lot now (in full sentences even!) but is still having trouble with certain sounds. Instead of saying "SCott" he would say "Cott". Too cute. I recently put out the boots that were a baby gift to Beckett from his honorary Uncle Jim and Auntie MaryLou Moore. He's finally able to wear them (even though they're still a little big!) Let's just say they are a hit!! I tried to some great video I took of him riding his scooter and wearing his boots but couldn't get it to work. I'll keep trying and will hopefully get that up soon. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Boating 101

These pictures didn't download in the correct order but you get the idea. Beckett and I began our day at Howard Amon Park playing in the surf of the river...wading in the warm water and throwing rocks. But as luck would have it my friend Kerena, her husband Jared & boating Capt. Greg invited us to join them on the boat so we hopped on. Unfortunately, I didn't have my bathing suit and had to hang out in my tank top and shorts the whole time. It didn't stop us from having a blast and Beckett even got in the water a couple of times even though he knew it was FREEZING cold! A few days later we went to Columbia Park and he noticed boats on the river and flipped out! "Mama dis! Mama dis!"...he wanted to get on a boat! We always knew he would be a waterbaby!

Kerena and her beer

Argh matey!

Beckett & Capt. Greg

Capt. Beckett

Snack time!


Beckett in the surf.

Monday, July 6, 2009

For Papa

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Nuthin' special...

just the cutest, most handsome kiddo ever!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer fun and friends

Beckett and Abby lounging

My friend Nicole with her new son, Ben and daughter Abby

Beckett cheating at basketball!

Another "Cheese!"

Beckett and cousin Finley

Cousin Calleigh

Beckett finally loves his fireman outfit. He was supposed to be a fireman for Halloween but wasn't feeling the whole costume thing. Brian said he wore this outfit for about an hour!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Summer 101

Summer is officially in the Tri-cities!! Beckett and I hit the park to feed the goslings and play at the water park, only I think the water was a little too cold for his liking! :) Sorry I didn't put in captions this time...I just wanted to get the pictures posted. Sometimes I can't believe how much he's changed...but he's still as cute as ever. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day

What a wonderful blessing children are! But I have to say, I am so lucky to have a son like Beckett! Mother's Day was wonderful. I spent the day with Brian and Beckett. We had breakfast at O'Henry's (I had the awesome strawberry cream cheese crepe...YUM!), Brian grilled chicken and asparagus for lunch and I spent the day cuddling and playing with Beckett in between all the eating. (sigh) I love being Beckett's mom!

Monday, May 4, 2009

B-man at the park

Gonna make this a quick entry. We're finally starting to see the sunshine and warmer temperatures here after what has seemed like the longest and most dreary winter EVER!! Beckett and I headed out to the park and these are just a few pix of our day in the sun! Enjoy!