Thursday, June 21, 2007

Teething biscuit

Our little Beckett is becoming quite the porker! He's eating lots and lots and everyday seems to learn something new. He's using lots of vowel/consonant combinations (talking) and is gaining great finger dexterity and learning cause and effect ie shake the rattle, rattle makes noise or see kitty run, try to look for kitty when she's out of sight. It's all too cool!

me & Mommie


my biscuit daddy!


eat the biscuit, love the biscuit...mmmm, biscuit.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Peek A Boo

Look at me! I'm six months old and having fun! Nurse Meaniehead measured me at 26" (that's over 2 feet tall!) and I now weigh 13 lbs 15 oz. Dr. L said I need to fatten up just a little bit so I'm gonna really start chowing on this people food stuff. So far I like peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, applesauce (but only Grandma Lacey's) and banana. Here's some pictures of me and Mommie playing my favorite game: Peek A Boo!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I've had some firsts this time around
I can now sit up and fall back down
I like to dance and I like to play
I loved my first visit to Texas this May
I took my first plane ride and it was real neat
I rode on Mom's lap, didn't get my own seat
I was baptized with water in the name of the Lord
and now I'm a child of God...WORD!
One night it thundered and rained really hard
I saw a wild turkey in Nana and Papa's front yard
I like to walk every chance I get
I jumped in the pool and got real wet
I really like puppies, this one is named Missy
I hope you can see that I'm not a big sissy
I wrote my first poem, it turned out real bad
but for that you can blame my Mom and my Dad