Tuesday, October 23, 2007


So far it's been a rather uneventful month. He spent the last two weeks either teething or fighting off a cold. Fun times for Mommie. Enjoy! (and Happy Halloween...be on the look out for pictures soon!)

naked baby butt

dinner time fun

We heard there were a couple of pumpkin patches here in the Tri's. Unfortunately we didn't know there was a $6-$13 charge plus 19 cents a pound for the pumpkin to get in. We just wanted to take pictures. This was the closest we got to the pumpkin patch...big bins of pumpkins outside the country store. Beckett didn't seem to mind. He thought the pumpkins were cool!

1 comment:

Brooke Barber said...

Ah - too cute! I hope he's not plan on carrying those out himself!