Tuesday, April 24, 2007

More food fun

This has been a busy week, they threw a party for me and brought cake (didn't spell my name right though). Got to see Aunt Diana, Uncle Steve and all the way from Texas - which doesn't look very far on the map - Aunt Lauren and Uncle Todd. I'm still getting used to the whole food thing, and I'm a little bitter about not getting any of my cake.

Cuddling with Aunt Diana

Uncle Steve with my birthday cake

I like this guy

I'll eat anything you give me Aunt Lauren!!

Do I have food on my face?


Saturday, April 21, 2007

First food

Captain's Log, Stardate April 21, 2007
My Mommie fed me some kind of slurry stuff today. I think it might be gruel. I've seen Mommie and Daddy shovel stuff into their mouths with these long silver things called "utensils" but don't quite know why they go through all that fuss when boobies are readily available. Although I have to admit, some of the stuff they eat looks pretty good. I'll have to investigate this "food" further...

Hey there Mommie...is this chair a new toy?

Where d'ya think you're gonna put that??


Here, let me try.

Yuck, this still tastes the same!

Do I have something on my chin?

Thursday, April 19, 2007


I'm getting good at doing a lot of things these days. I've recently discovered how to take my binky out of my mouth, but haven't quite figured out how to put it back in. My Mommie and Daddy LOVE that my new bedtime is going all wrong. I've been waking up every couple of hours just to keep them on their toes and sometimes I have a complete meltdown just for kicks! What can I say?...the Dude abides. I'm getting better at multi-tasking too as you see in one of my pictures. My Aunt Lauren and (honorary) Uncle Todd will be here next week so stay tuned for pix of our adventures together!

got it in my mouth...

this one too!

oh yeah, baby...i'm sexy!

multi-tasking at its best!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Not much to report...

Just updating more photos.

Beckett tiptoeing in the grass with Grandma Lacey

Daddy standing in the hole he dug to plant Mommie's pink magnolia

Me and Daddy watching tiny bubbles Mommie was blowing at us...only I'm looking at Mommie!

Hi Everyone...Look how strong I'm getting!

Mmm, must eat rubbery pink hand

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm four months old...

Captain's Log, Stardate April 12th, 2007...
I'm told I'm 4 months old now...whatever that means. My Mommie took me to see Dr. Lawrence and that mean nurse that always makes me strip to take my weight (a lean 13 lbs, 12 oz) and height (25 long inches). Dr. L said I'm doing great! Healthy...cute...all the usual niceties. However, I've been dealing with a slight fever because of the 4 nasty shots Nurse Meaniehead gave me. (what's "immunizations'?) But I'm on the up and up and starting to feel my usual active self.

daddy's trying to take my binky...

Ok, now what?

Are we taking a picture?


Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all and God's blessings! It's been a rather busy weekend, but very good. I'm one step closer to having Beckett's room done but at least you can see the colors of the walls. I'm stenciling an argyle print where the two colors meet. It's going to take a little time but I hope to have it done by the end of next week. I'll stencil during nap times! Here's some more pix to enjoy. Again...HAPPY EASTER!! :)

Marianne's party

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter?

Must eat the bunny...

This picture speaks for itself.

I think he ate too much Easter candy?

Progress of Beckett's room, tune in next week to see it slightly different.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Baby room decorating 101

We've begun the great "decorate the baby's room" task! My greatest motivation?...Beckett is on his way to a really good bedtime schedule that will have him sleeping through the night and hopefully transitioning into his own room very soon. I don't know why we didn't try this sooner, but at least it's off to a good start. New bedtime is at 7pm and so far he's been sleeping like a baby! (yeah, yeah...so cliche) Here's some new pictures from the last couple of weeks. Beckett's getting good at grabbing stuff and shoving it in his "smoosh" (my mother-in-laws cute word for his mouth!) He loves his new exersaucer too! Happy Easter to all!

Mommy...this isn't my Mariners hat.


painting 101

I know you hid my binky.

I love you froggie!

Whatever you say Grandma!

Emma surveys our work and wonders, "When's dinner?"

Ohh...nice tail.