Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Baby room decorating 101

We've begun the great "decorate the baby's room" task! My greatest motivation?...Beckett is on his way to a really good bedtime schedule that will have him sleeping through the night and hopefully transitioning into his own room very soon. I don't know why we didn't try this sooner, but at least it's off to a good start. New bedtime is at 7pm and so far he's been sleeping like a baby! (yeah, cliche) Here's some new pictures from the last couple of weeks. Beckett's getting good at grabbing stuff and shoving it in his "smoosh" (my mother-in-laws cute word for his mouth!) He loves his new exersaucer too! Happy Easter to all!

Mommy...this isn't my Mariners hat.


painting 101

I know you hid my binky.

I love you froggie!

Whatever you say Grandma!

Emma surveys our work and wonders, "When's dinner?"

Ohh...nice tail.


Diana said...

More darling pics - he sure looks like baby pics of Jim sometimes with those eyes!

Brooke Barber said...

... he is just TOOO cute you guys!! GOOD job ... you all made a very handsome baby!!